Pool Leak Detection and Repair
Get Expert Leak Repair With Our Proven Solutions
AquaSafe offers property managers and homeowners peace of mind with its professional pool leak detection and repair services in the Mid-Atlantic region. Without timely repairs, a leaking swimming pool can lead to higher water bills, worrisome damage to nearby buildings, or destabilized soil beneath the deck – potentially even causing collapse! Our progressive leak detection method is an effective way to quickly identify any issues so that they may be addressed right away; it's a step-by-step process that tests various components throughout your filter system plumbing and pool interior for maximum accuracy. Water is a precious resource, and protecting this essential element helps promote sustainability for generations to come.
Successful Pool Detection and Repair Process:

Information Gathering
The first step in successful leak detection is to gather information. Before calling AquaSafe, find answers to the following questions:
- How many inches of water is the pool losing over a 24-hour period?
- Are there any visible cracks in the pool?
- Are there any wet spots around the pool deck or around the pool area, such as constantly wet parking lots or wet spots in the grass?
- Has there been any recent construction activity?
- Does the pool have any in-floor cleaners, waterfalls, or fountains?
- Could the loss of water be due to evaporation?

Bucket Test
The bucket test is a simple test to determine if the dropping water level is due to the leak or evaporation. Evaporation can cause a drop in water level by up to 1/4 of an inch in hot and windy areas. To perform this test, follow these instructions:
- Fill the pool to its normal level.
- Fill a 5-gallon bucket with water and place it on the steps into the pool.
- Mark the water level on the pool wall with a piece of tape, and mark the water level on the bucket with another piece of tape.
- Wait 24 hours.
- Measure the amount of water loss in the bucket and compare it to the amount of water loss in the pool.
- If the water loss in the pool is greater than the water loss in the bucket, this indicates a leak in the swimming pool.

Pump On/ Pump Off Test
- Measure the amount of water loss when the pool pump is on.
- Turn the pump off overnight.
- Compare the amount of water loss when the pump is off to the amount of water loss when the pump is on.
- If there is a greater amount of water loss with the pump on than with the pump off, then the leak is most likely located on the pressure side of the plumbing, more specifically, in the pool return line.
- If there is less water loss with the pump on than with the pump off, then the leak is most likely located on the suction side of the plumbing, specifically in the skimmer and main drain line.
- If there is an equal amount of water loss with the pump on and with the pump off, then the leak is most likely a structural leak, located in the hydrostatic valve, pool light niches, pool fitting, or cracks in the pool.

Pool Pressure Test
AquaSafe will perform a complete pressure test of all underground plumbing to confirm that the leak is located on the underground plumbing. Each line will be tested individually at 20 PSI.
Pressure testing is a very time and labor-consuming test. Pressure test usually requires cutting some part of filter plumbing to install the pressure testing plugs or bypassing filters and motors that could affect testing results.

Pool Dye Test
The pool interior dye test is performed underwater by our certified diver. Our diver will dye-test all fittings, main drains, hydrostatic valves, skimmers, and pool light niches.

Pool Underground Sonic Leak Detection
Suppose the pressure test confirms that the leak is located in the underground plumbing. In that case, our service technicians will pinpoint the exact location of the leak with our high-resolution underground sonic leak detection equipment.

Pool Leak Repair
AquaSafe technicians have extensive experience in various leak repairs. A leak in the underground plumbing is usually the worst scenario for the pool owner. It will require excavating the pool deck or pool shell around the leak and replacing part of the underground plumbing. Leaks caused by structural cracks in the pool shell do not require excavation.

Pool Monitoring
After undergoing necessary repairs, monitoring the water level is essential to ensure no further leaks exist.